Love What You Do

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” – Anaïs Nin

One of my goals for 2023 is to become better at business. As a solo designer, I’ve developed strong creative skills and the ability to adapt to challenging work situations. I’ve learned to not get too comfortable and that I’m only as good as my last project. Ever hear the phrase “comfort is a slow death?” This mindset makes me a better designer, problem-solver, and person. But the business side of things? There is plenty of room for improvement.

My intuition always tells me when something isn’t working. Not only with work, but everything in life. When my inner voice starts to whisper, I know I need to pivot. To reflect and unpack the why behind the feeling. As a designer, it could be triggered by a difficult client, chasing an invoice, or a feeling of dissatisfaction.

To give you some context, I spent my first fifteen years as a designer working onsite. I worked at large agencies, communications firms, and small studios. I remember working with another solo designer in her basement with her dog! I’ve soaked up priceless experiences from my onsite journeys. 15 years later, I hit a wall. 

I was going through a difficult time in my life. I knew to feel happier I needed to make a change. Working this way had expired, it was time for something else. Time to work on my own as a solo designer. I suddenly stopped going onsite and took a leap of faith into the unknown.

Looking back, it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Not an easy one. From that point on, all my time was spent focusing on how to find clients. Then I got them, mostly by word-of-mouth, and eventually started to thrive. Not only with my work, but in my life. It felt magical and validating.

Now in 2023, I’m ready to level up again. I’ve been coasting, going with the flow. Being creative, all I want to do is create. A lot of my time is spent upskilling and staying current in a fast-changing industry. I never really thought about a strong business plan.

It’s time. I want to be more intentional about the work I’m doing and who I’m working with. Through a recent seminar, I serendipitously found a coaching program just for creators. The Solo Creator Club was founded by Craig Chavis. He inspired me and seem to understand my pain points as a creative. I find him very relatable with solid advice. I’m early in the program, but I have already gained some much-needed clarity. Laying down a strong foundation for my business has begun.

I know this hard work is necessary for me to grow, change and provide better client value. I’ve already made a big discovery. After some soul-searching, I decided to niche down. I want to work specifically with entrepreneurs and small businesses.

Why? I relate to them because I’m one of them. It’s a mindset. Entrepreneurs are people who work hard and find ways to overcome challenges. They understand failure is part of the learning process. They believe in themselves enough to take a calculated risk. They are driven by more than money-making. They know how to pivot. They love the work they do.

I value entrepreneurship and small business. To me, it makes the world a better, more interesting, and diverse place. If I’m able to help this audience reach their goals, I’m reaching my goals. It’s energizing, a win-win. It creates a chain of purpose and meaning to better the world. This is what it’s about for me.

This is just the beginning. It’s time to blossom again.

Loren DePalma

I’m Loren, a visual brand designer and artist based in the New York City area.

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