Open & Adaptive

“Be like water, which is fluid and soft and yielding, as in time, water will overcome rock which is rigid and hard. Therefor, what is soft is strong.” – Anonymous

As a creative person, it's essential to stay open and adaptive to new ideas, experiences, and challenges. Stagnation and complacency can kill creativity, but an open and adaptive mindset can lead to growth, inspiration, and innovation.

Tips for Staying Open & Adaptive

Embrace Uncertainty
Creativity involves stepping into the unknown and taking risks. Don't be afraid to try something new, even if you're not sure how it will turn out. Enjoy the process of experimenting with different techniques or mediums. This will help lead you to fresh ideas, discovery, and growth. Remember, comfort is the enemy of creativity!

Be Curious
Curiosity is essential for creativity. Keep asking questions, seeking new experiences, and exploring the world around you. If you’re introverted (like me), you may have to give yourself a push sometimes. The more you learn, the more you'll grow creatively.

See Inspiration
Look for inspiration in unexpected places. You may see something that sparks new ideas or techniques that you want to try. Soak it all in. Eventually, it will work its way out of your conscientiousness and spill over into your creative work.

Stay Flexible
Creativity often involves adapting to changing circumstances. Be willing to change your approach or try something different. Trust what your instincts are telling you. The path forward is anything but linear. Staying flexible can help you overcome obstacles and find new solutions.

Practice Mindfulness
Being mindful allows you to stay present and aware of your surroundings. Tapping into mindfulness can help you recognize new opportunities and approach them openly. It can also help you stay focused on your goals and avoid distractions. Protect your awareness.

Seek Feedback
Feedback can be tough to hear sometimes, but it's essential for growth. Seek constructive criticism with an open mind from people you trust.

Working with others opens you up to new perspectives and ideas. It can help you learn new skills and approaches, spark innovation and creative growth, and maybe some new friends. Collaboration holds you accountable and can be incredibly inspiring.


Creative people are constantly learning and evolving. If you’re feeling stuck or uninspired, look at creativity as a muscle you have to actively work. With an open and adaptive mindset, you're more likely to learn from your experiences, take feedback, and grow in your craft. Creativity is limitless.

Loren DePalma

I’m Loren, a visual brand designer and artist based in the New York City area.



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